Mistake in Ticket Almost Leads to Pulled License
What Happened
In mid-March 2009, Mr. L phoned our office about a parking ticket dispute with the City. Mr. L received a parking ticket dated December 31, 2007, a day neither he nor his car were in Toronto. He called the City early in 2008 and was told the error would be corrected. However, in March 2008, he received a notice of conviction, and the parking fine increased from $30 to $46. He called the City and was again told that the error would be corrected. In 2009, Mr. L went to renew his driver’s license before the March 31 deadline, but was informed that he had an outstanding fine, now $66, which he had to pay before March 31 or he could not renew his license. He called the City and was told but staff that they would fix the error, but couldn’t commit to doing so before he would lose his license.
What We Did
We made several calls to the City, and were able to connect with a staff member who corrected the error before March 31.
The Result
Mr. L was able to renew his driver’s license without having to pay the fine he didn’t owe.