Report on Implementation of Recommendations in An Investigation into The Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s Eviction of Seniors on the Basis of Rent Arrears
In October 2012, as a result of complaints, the Ombudsman initiated an investigation into the eviction of seniors living in Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) buildings for nonpayment of arrears . The investigation centred on whether eviction prevention policies were applied consistently, and ultimately found several issues of unfairness.
At the end of that investigation, the Ombudsman made 30 recommendations ranging from staff training and performance management to properly implementing its policies and bringing its practices into line to ensure equitable, consistent, lawful and humane conduct toward its senior population.
This Report
At its June 2023 session, City Council requested that the Ombudsman monitor TCHC’s progress implementation the 30 recommendations. This report serves as that update.
TCHC’s Progress Implementing the Recommendations
Of the Ombudsman’s 30 recommendations, TCHC has completed 10. Seventeen are in progress and insufficient work has been undertaken with two of them. One recommendation is not yet due.
The Ombudsman finds two recommendations (#5 and #22) that have not progressed worrisome, not so much because they are outstanding, but because TCHC’s responses are vague and each time clarification was sought, different responses were provided. Either little has been done, the executive lead tasked with implementation is unclear, or something else is going on.
Whatever the reason, the CEO has given the Ombudsman a clear commitment that a protocol with the Ontario Public Guardian & Trustee (#20) will be developed, that a relationship and training with CAMH (#22) will occur and that my recommendation concerning integration of the Seniors’ Framework (#5) will be fulfilled.
The Ombudsman will remain seized of the implementation of the recommendations, until their completion and will continue to monitor this matter.