City of Toronto Ombudsman Breaks New Ground
The City of Toronto Ombudsman has received funding from the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) to lead a research project that will have an impact globally.
“Ombudsman everywhere have been struggling to answer the same critical question” says Ombudsman Fiona Crean. “What is our impact on the ongoing operations of government?”
The office of the City of Toronto Ombudsman, which has now been open for a little more than four years, has built up a critical mass of investigations. “During that time” says Crean, “we convinced the City to change a number of its procedures, including complaint handling, appeals for subsidized childcare, and the processing of insurance claims. As a result, the City now has new standards for how it serves the City’s residents, including some of the most vulnerable, such as seniors and people with diminished capacity.”
The research project, which is sponsored by the IOI, will look at the impact that systemic investigations have had on the service to Toronto’s residents. It will then produce an evaluation guide that can be used by Ombudsman and other accountability officers to measure the fairness of public administration.
“I am proud the IOI has provided funding for this project,” says Crean. “It is an indication of the recognition we have achieved in our short existence.”