Investigation Announcement: Stress Injuries in the Toronto Paramedic Services
Following a number of complaints, the City of Toronto Ombudsman has begun an investigation into how Toronto Paramedic Services handles incidents of operational stress injuries (OSI) among its staff, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
“There’s increasing evidence” says Fiona Crean, “that the stress and trauma that police, firefighters and paramedics face every day can affect their mental and emotional health. And a recent report by the Paramedics Chiefs of Canada has suggested these problems could be on the rise.”
The Ombudsman’s investigation will examine how the Toronto Paramedic Services handles the incidents when they are reported. OSI covers a range of persistent psychological problems triggered by on-the-job activities, including anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug dependency and PTSD.
“I am publicly announcing the investigation to encourage TPS staff to come forward and tell us their stories. Our process is completely confidential.”
The Ombudsman has taken no position on this matter and will not do so until her investigation is completed.
Paramedics and TPS staff can call 416-392-7062, or email: ombuds@toronto.ca.